Full suite of illustrations to promote a mental health festival for young people.

Wonderfest logo leader.jpg

I created a series of 15 illustrations to bring energy and life to an online festival called Wonderfest.

Organised by Platfform, the mental health and social change charity, the festival is for young people aged 13+ and parents and professionals working with young people to support their well-being.

The weekend covered all sorts of areas, including mental health, art, music and even pizza making! The brief for me was to create a set of artworks that could be applied to the varied roster of activities. My illustration set was used extensively across the dedicated festival website and on their promotional branding for all aspects of Wonderfest.

I worked closely with the great team at Clout Branding who led the project, developed the logo, that winking eye, the responsive website design and many other intricate details.
